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  3. International celebrities also love horse meat

International celebrities also love horse meat

International celebrities also eat horse meat?
International celebrities also maintain their style on horsemeat?
I remember hearing some time ago that “foreign celebrities also eat horse meat”.
Maybe it was not a celebrity, but a famous model…
The image I remember is that of a well-styled Western woman.
When I was studying in Switzerland, horse meat steaks were also on the menu at restaurants,
I thought that horse meat was also eaten in Europe and the United States.
But in England and Ireland, the land of horseback riding,
I heard that in the United Kingdom and Ireland, where people ride horses, it is outrageous to eat a cute horse! I heard that in the United Kingdom and Ireland, the land of horseback riding, it is “outrageous to eat a cute horse!
I learned about this from the news of the horse meat incident in which horse meat was sold under the false pretense of being beef.
It was a story about a low-priced beef burger that actually contained minced horse meat,
In the UK, there was a big fuss involving the Prime Minister.
Perhaps this is a trend, but horse food is not common in the U.S. either.
What is the situation of horse food in other countries around the world?
Switzerland, Spain, Germany, and France are horse-eating countries.
It seems that some people eat horse meat, but it is not as common as beef, pork, chicken, or mutton.
In Spain, it is more expensive than beef as a nutritious meat.
In France, it is treated as a cheap meat. There are even butcher stores specializing in horse meat.
The British horsemeat incident happened because it was cheap meat, so I wonder if it is predominantly treated as cheap meat.
In Hungary, there is a specialty dry sausage made with horse meat.
China, which is said to eat anything with four legs, is another country that eats it.
Brazil and other countries around Brazil are also countries that do not eat horse meat, and Southeast Asia, which is not a habitat of horses, also seems to be among the countries that do not eat horse meat.
The foreign celebrities or models I remember may be of Spanish descent?
Horse meat is popular among athletes in Japan as a nutritious meat.
I wish I could recommend it to Japanese models.




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